- A highly-opinionated delineation of situations encountered in India, USA, China, UK and wherever my life takes me...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Learning from peers

One of the vital links in any MBA course is learning from peers [this is why 'distance-d' education wont work]. I ve met lots of interesting people with enriching perspectives. Most of them are my classmates, while some are bschoolers from other universities around the world.

how?- through their blogs, of course.

Consultant from London, IBanker from Chicago, Tech Manager from Berkeley, Marketer from Kellogg. Not to mention the many tit-bits from Insead, Esade, IMD, NUS, Tsinghua, CEIBS, Tokyo and Melbourne business schools. So, why dont we create a Bschool of Bschools? I can understand that some may cry foul on 'intellectual property', but who lost the edge sharing knowledge?

Till this happens, try reading some independent blogs. I use the following links...

http://www.bschoolers.com/ [this comes close]


http://mbaleague.blogspot.com [a wee bit 'dated' list, but not the blogs themselves]

Deep in the MBA

I have completed atleast 4 core courses and deeply into my MBA. The newbie tag has died down and I am deep into competition with my fellow classmates. No longer I can justify my lack of 'ebullient' class participation to my non-financial/business background. I simply wont 'make the ranks' if I dont change my ways - I did change. After reading some B-schooler's blogs on Class Participation, I motivated myself to look beyond the class materials and get atleast a 'cloudy' idea before class and demystify myself as the class progresses. This worked like magic and my initial 'nerves' lost and I am steaming ahead!
As they say, ' I ve caught the tiger's tail, I cant let go and the tiger wont let me let go'

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Passionate about whatever I care to spend my time on.